Mustard – 786

Mustard – 786

Plant Type : Tall, Compact Erect.
Days To Maturity : 110-155.
Plant Height (cm) : 177-209.
No. Of Branches/plant : 4-5 Branch / Plant
Range (4-7).
Seeds Size/Color : Small, Brownish Yellow.
1000 Kernel Weight (gm) : 3.68 gm.
Diseases Resistant : Tolerant To Powdery
Mildew, White Rusts, Leaf Spots.
Shattering Loss : Low Incidence/ Severity Of
White Rust And Alternaria Blight And For
Other Diseases Like Sclerotinia Stem Rot,
Downy And Powdery Mildew At Par With
Tolerant Checks.


Awesome Harvest
of Product