Mustard – Kranti

Mustard – Kranti

Plant Type : Erect Plant (2-3 Main Branches),
Bends Due To More Number Of Pods At The Time
Of Maturity.
Days to Maturity : 125-140.
Plant Height (cm) : 190-220.
No. of Branches/Plant : 20-25 (2.5-4.5 Ft.
No. of Pods/Branch : 85-95.
No. of Seeds/Pods : 16-20.
Seeds Size/Color : Bold/Blackish Brown.
1000 Kernel Weight (gm) : 6-8.
Diseases Resistant : Tolerant to Powdery
Mildew, White Rusts, Leaf Spots, Cold
Shattering Loss : Almost Negligent Loss

Awesome Harvest
of Product