Hybrid Rice – F1 Nirmal

Hybrid Rice – F1 Nirmal

Days To 50% Flowering 100-115 100-110
Days To Maturity 135-145 Days 120-130 Days
Plant Height (Cm) 95-100 Days 100-105 Days
No. Of Tillers/Plant 22-25 20-24
Leaf Colour Dark Green Green
Panicle Length/Shape 25-28/ Compact With Awns 26-30/Compact
No. Of Branches/Pannicle 10-14 10-15
1000 Kernel Weight(Gm) 20-22 20
Seed Width(Mm) 1.8-2.0 1.8-2.0 11.20
Seed Length(Mm) 8-10 8-10/Td>
Grain Quality Medium Course Medium Course
Shattering Resistant Tolerant Tolerant
Crop Lodging Tolerant Tolerant
Disease Resistant Tolerant To Leaf Diseases Tolerant To Leaf Diseases

Awesome Harvest
of Product